Clinical Supervision Services – NYC


I have enjoyed supervising students on the graduate and post-graduate level since becoming a licensed psychologist in 1988. Students tend to find me warm, open and truly interested in their concerns as newcomers to the field. Supervising advanced students in the field is one of the genuine pleasures of my work and I have always found that I have learned as much from my supervises, as they from me.

In addition to the supervision I do for formal institutions (Yeshiva University and the Human Sexuality Program at NYU-Langone), I am available for private supervision as well.

Sometimes people wish a brief supervision to get help untangling a difficult problem with a client, and sometimes people seek longer term supervision in which we follow a case, or several cases as a way of sharpening their clinical skills. In addition, as a licensed psychologist, and as a certified AASECT sex therapy supervisor supervisory hours spent with me typically can be used to accrue necessary supervisory hours to be certified in your field, and can be used toward fulfilling the supervision requirements for certification as an AASECT certified sex therapist.

Being the only openly gay male clinical psychologist who is also a certified sex therapist east of the Rocky Mountains, has give me a broad depth of experience which enhances the supervision process greatly. Many people will choose to have me as their clinical supervisor for this reason, even if they are not specifically interested in becoming a sex therapist.

I encourage you to give me a call at 212-242-2219, or contact me by email at [email protected], to see if I might meet your supervision needs.